


一切内容均转载自DC Database,内容非本人编写,仅作翻译。



Diplomacy: Orm is a very capable diplomat, having been trained from a young age in the art of ruling a kingdom. He was able to successfully secure a deal that would allow Xebel to support his faction in the Atlantean Civil War, even if the nation had been previously hostile to him.


Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Orm was trained to fight from a very young age, according to himself he was already a highly skilled combatant by the time he was eight years old.


Historiography: As a boy Orm was taught all the legends of Atlantis to better prepare him for his future role as King. He was taught of the ancient Kings and heroes, as well as the powerful artefacts employed by his ancestors


Leadership: Orm is a highly successful ruler. For many years he lead the people of Atlantis under a prosperous rule. During and after his rule Orm had many followers within the walls of Atlantis who respected and admired him.


Military Protocol: During his reign as King of Atlantis, Ocean Master also lead the armies of Atlantis as all Atlantean monarchs do. Because of this Orm presumably has a great understanding of the protocol and doctrines employed by the Atlantean Royal Army.

军事协定:重新在位期间,海洋领主领导着亚特兰蒂斯军队一如所有的亚特兰蒂斯君王。由此可假定奥姆对于亚特兰蒂斯皇家军队的协定、信条非常了解。(军事协定这个词又写作 military procedure,表示该角色知晓有关军队的政策、程序、规程等)

Tactical Analysis: For his assault on the surface world, Orm was able to come up with a highly intricate plan to make the surface city of Boston sink. During the invasion Orm sent several teams to locate and eliminate primary threats in the way of his goals.


Weaponry: Orm's weapon of choice is a powerful trident that he is extremely deadly with. Due to his martial training as a child Orm is presumably deadly with several other types of melee weaponry.



Royal Crown: As the king of Atlantis, Orm possessed a crown that doubled as a helmet.[9] This crown was destroyed by Aquaman at the end of Orm's misguided attempt to attack the surface world,[11] and Orm obtained a look alike that didn't possess its enchantments.[5] (Formerly)

  • Hydrokinesis: The Royal Crown gave Ocean Master power over the oceans themselves. He was able to telekinetically bend sea water to his whim in a similar way to Mera while he wore the helm.





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